Parent 1: We’ve seen our daughter become more engaged in other things after attending SailAway’s MicroSchool.
Parent 2: She’s accepting herself more and ready to tackle the world. Emotionally, she’s so much better. We loved the personal attention and interaction. She wasn’t lost in a crowd. The reading comprehension exercises challenged her, because she could get lost in a book. We really liked the verbal interaction and how she learned to read between the lines. We felt really good about the story she wrote [for English]. Her descriptions were wonderful!
Parent 3: My son has developed a sense of responsibility from attending SailAway. He always wants to be on time or early.
His confidence and self-esteem are improved dramatically and drastically. He has a much more positive outlook on going to school and being at school. For the first time in his life, while attending SailAway, he has never said “I hate school” and this is huge. He has never or rarely expressed or shared achievement at school. This year, he’s expressed on his own, “I can do this! I didn’t know I had this knowledge in my head.”
He has said, “I don’t know what it is. I’m learning more and understanding more. There’s something about the way I’m learning. I feel like I’m learning.”
Parent 4: This is the very first place where my son has been happy to go to school. In the past in public schools, and even private schools, he has been in tears at the end of the day. He hated school, and he felt so out of sync with everyone else in his class.
There would be numerous arguments just getting him out of the car. It is so different now, and he has only been here a month! He also comes home telling me what he has learned. It has truly been a blessing.
Parent 5: I appreciate the individualized education and attention my child receives at SailAway’s Microschool — an education based on her specific abilities and needs, not just those of the classroom or the requirements of a curriculum. She is sincerely cared for at SailAway.
Student 1: I have enjoyed every bit of going to SailAway Academy. The best part of the school is the personal instruction that I receive.
The curriculum is set up specifically for me, which is good because I easily get frustrated with curriculum I do not understand. I think I am more prepared for college than a lot of my friends who attend public schools. I am very happy to be a student at SailAway.
Student 2: I came to SailAway halfway through my tenth grade year. On my first day at SailAway I was placed in the eleventh grade because that is where I am supposed to be.
SailAway is a lot different than a public school. The curriculum here is a lot different too. We are able to work at our own pace. It’s much more relaxed than public school. I feel like I can get done with my work without feeling discouraged. Since classes are small, it is a lot easier to get one-on-one time with a teacher. In public school I was always failing and getting in trouble. SailAway has helped me understand that I am able to do something with my life. I like SailAway because it has helped me put my life in order.
Student 3: Over the past years, I have been blessed with many adult mentors that have helped guide, direct and support me in the many efforts of my life. You have been one of them. I wanted to personally “thank you” for taking time to help me lay the foundation of my future. Because of you, I have been able to achieve the following:
- Maryville College Presidential College Scholarship recipient (receiving a financial package within $3000 of full tuition and fees)
- Summer Internship with Center for Transportation Analysis at Oak Ridge National Lab.
- Youth Representative for Local Workforce Investment Act 4 Youth Council (9 County area)
- Kingston Methodist Church Youth Group and Church Youth Representative
- Completion of Governor’s School at TTU in Information Technology & Leadership. Placed second in business development competition.
- Youth Leadership Roane County member – Placed first in community project implementation and presentation
- Toyota Community Scholar
- Student Government Day – County Executive
- Knoxville News Sentinel Academic Scholar
Please accept my heartfelt appreciation and keep me in your prayers as I move into the next phase of my life. Again, thank you for all that you have done for me!