Our Faith and Spiritual Truths
We at SailAway, like the signers of the Declaration of Independence, “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
In alignment with those truths, we believe that our organization, like this great nation, was founded to provide a learning environment that includes any student and family who seeks the opportunity to maximize each individual student’s god-given, innate talents and abilities regardless of race, creed, or national origin.
The school derives its strength and productivity through partnerships with members of diverse backgrounds and points of view, and from an understanding of differing perspectives. We expect each member of our community to understand and value various perspectives, to recognize and respect each person for his/her own unique individuality, to strive for equity and justice within the school and the community at large, and to respect the differences among families and individuals and all they have to offer and contribute. Moreover, as an educational institution, we believe that through instruction and modeling behaviors, we can cultivate in students a strong desire to go beyond the norm and assume leadership roles in promoting understanding and acceptance of difference as a means to making the world a better place. That our students will fully understand this country’s motto: “E Pluribus Unum,” “Out of many one and know that from the blending of the strengths of many nations, creeds and religions that a strong union of peoples can be formed.”
SailAway Learning & Academy rejoices in the variety of religious thought that has, and will, make this a great nation. As Americans we hold the religious freedoms, granted by this nation, as a sacred trust of citizenship. SailAway Learning & Academy is a faith-based organization meaning prayer, Bible study, and spiritual discussion are an intentional, integral element of daily life. SailAway Team Members are faithful, willing servants of the living God who seek to live lives that mirror Christ’s all-knowing, all-forgiving and never-forsaking love by the example we set in all that we do and say.
Just as Christ embraced all peoples without prejudice, SailAway Learning and Academy embraces families and students who desire to access our unique educational options and partner with us for that reason whether or not their own personal beliefs align with the following statement of faith.
At SailAway Learning & Academy we hold unwavering belief that:
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God and our standard for faith and practice;
- in God as revealed in the Bible. He, as our eternal heavenly Father, is the author of truth, love, and faith;
- in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, and in His second coming;
- in the Holy Spirit who empowers for service and reveals Jesus in us; and
- that man was created in the image of God, fell through disobedience, and is saved through faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
SailAway Learning & Academy believes that the opportunities for a full and satisfying life are based in a rich, rigorous, and varied education. The ability to obtain that kind of education rests on two cornerstones: literacy and understanding. All other academic and intellectual endeavors flow from these two fundamental components of learning.
Literacy embraces more than reading words on a page and knowing their meaning. True literacy involves any activity with words–spoken, written, or signed–and the ability to use them correctly, powerfully, and communicatively in all contexts.
“No matter what you get, get understanding” is a biblical admonition that applies to every aspect of life and especially education. Successful educators must get understand about how their students learn, subject matter content, as well as the materials and methods used to communicate effectively.